Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Head, Meet Wall. Repeat.

Lately I've been having a series of really good auditions. They feel solid. I feel great & sing well. I get all dolled up with the hair & makeup & I look good.

There's just one problem with this whole thing: I'm not getting any callbacks. Not a one.

It's frustrating as all get out.

Today, for example, was a typical case of what happens at an audition.

I got in, checked in with the monitor, filled out the form & handed in 2 headshots & resumes. I got changed, put on my heels, did my makeup, & waited. Once I was called, I waited in line (comparable to a firing squad), & went in when it was my turn.

I said hello, introduced myself to the accompanist, went over the music, & took my mark. Then I sang. I smiled, had fun, and most importantly hit my notes. They were looking at me, smiling as well, making various notes.

What did I get for my efforts?

"Great. Thanks for coming in."

Kill me.

What do I have to do to get a callback around here?!

To help remedy this issue, I've started looking into acting classes in NY. I have to get back in touch with my craft. I need to meet people & help myself get better.

I'm also going to enlist the help of a friend & set up mock auditions. She comes from a theatrical family & can certainly be of more help than just about anyone else I know.
This no-callback issue needs to be fixed asap. I don't get it at all.

My frustration is mounting & all I want to do is curl up & cry.


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