Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Come On, Irene

In the aftermath of the hurricaine, I have decided to venture into NYC to audition and am currently at the Come On My Baby call.

It is a veritable Equity cattle call. I was told, being non-Equity, that I should leave & come back at 4. That, my dears, is an impossibility due to the fact that my voice lesson will be ending at that time and is 30 blocks away.

However, dear readers, not all has been lost today.

There is a FABULOUS website called auditionupdate.com that let's actors communicate about various auditions in real time. It functions a little bit like a message board & we all help each other out with updates. Well, I checked auditionupdate.com & saw that the audition for a new show called Kinky Boots was seeing non-union actors.

I meandered up there, signed in, got changed, did my makeup, and no sooner did my fanny hit the chair I was sitting in than I was called. With no warm-up & no prep besides a quick glance, I sang.

I sang WELL!!

It's a funny song, and casting ended the audition with, "Ooh! You're funny!"


This next audition, well, I've already explained how that has gone.

I also got rejected by a literary agent.

I am nothing if not productive!

Another 10 minutes & I get to catch a subway uptown!!